Mike Shinoda Mengkustomisasi Honda Fury

Dari Mikeshinoda.com:

"At the show, some of you may have noticed the crazy Honda roadster on display with the hand-painted "additions" in pink...that bike was donated courtesy of one of the show sponsors, Honda. The motorcycle is actually being auctioned off for charity (JANM) this week. The bids started at $18K US, and ends in 5 days. If you want to buy a motorcycle designed and hand-customized by me, now is the chance. (I even signed it in hot pink Krink)"

Gambar yang dipakai Mike adalah karyanya sendiri yang berjudul "ICON" yang pernah ditampilkan dalam Glorious Excess (Born).

Penulis : vyonizr ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

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