With the debut album Out of Ashes from Dead By Sunrise (featuring Chester from Linkin Park) still 6 weeks away from release, we want to offer fans the chance to be the first to hear it and publish their reviews. After all, it is your reactions that we can all trust the most. A few lucky fans from certain countries around the world will be selected to get to hear the new album before anyone else does, and then tell the world!
If you think you have the literary skills it takes, please send an email to the addresses that correlate with your country and city below. Submit a writing sample that explains why you should be picked to review the record—maybe an anecdote explaining how you became a Linkin Park fan. It's up to you. Make it good, and you will be rewarded. The select few will be invited to hear the record at Warner Brothers Records in the following cities. Note that if you have to travel to these cities, transportation and hotels are up to you. You will be notified a few days after the 4th by email if you are selected.
Deadline-nya tanggal 4 September. Jadi, buruan!
Burbank, CA [deadbysunrisereviewburbank@warnerreprise.com]
New York, NY [deadbysunrisereviewnewyork@warnerreprise.com]
UK, London [deadbysunrise@warnermusic.com]
Germany, Hamburg. Austria, Vienna. Switzerland, Zurich [review@dead-by-sunrise.de]
Sweden, Stockholm [tavling@warnermusic.com]
Canada, Vancouver [webcontest_canada@warnermusic.com]
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