Linkin Park membatalkan Konser di Washington DC dan Uncasville,CT

Linkin Park terpaksa membatalkan konser di Washington D.C. danUncasville, CT. karena Vocalist Chester Bennington sakit dan Dokter menyarankan Chester untuk istirahat.
Washington D.C. Statement :
"Linkin Park has been forced to cancel their February 10th show in Washington DC at the Verizon Center. Lead vocalist Chester Bennington is ill and under doctor's orders to refrain from performing. The band sincerely regrets this unavoidable cancellation and apologizes to fans for any disappointment caused. Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase beginning February 11th"
Uncasville Statement :
"Hi guys, We are deeply disappointed that we’ve had to cancel our second show in a row. It’s been a long time since we’ve played in your town, and were excited for you to hear the new music and see the new production. As you know, it’s not often that we have to cancel a gig–Chester appreciates all the love you all have sent on the website, and we know that it will help him to bounce back soon.

We know it’s not the same, but we’d like to give you a free audio download of any show from this tour. Below are instructions. If you purchased your tickets through, check your email over the next few days for details on how you will receive your refund.
Mike and LP
Semoga sembuh Agan Chester...biar bisa konser lagi secepatnya...

Penulis : Rizky スキャンダル ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Linkin Park membatalkan Konser di Washington DC dan Uncasville,CT ini dipublish oleh Rizky スキャンダル pada hari 10 Februari 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Linkin Park membatalkan Konser di Washington DC dan Uncasville,CT

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