Kecurangan dalam voting di Fuse TV

Seperti yang pernah diberitakan di *SINI*, LP masuk nominasi di "Fuse's Best Video of 2009". Sekarang adalah ronde ketiga. LP berhadapan dengan Paramore. Dan, sepertinya kita akan kalah telak.

Saya dari awal sudah menduga, pasti ada kecurangan di dalam voting ini. Mengapa Paramore bisa mendapatkan begitu banyak suara dalam waktu yang cukup singkat? Ya. Saya harap kalian mau lihat pesan dari salah satu fans Green Day ini, yang sempat mendapatkan suara 5.064.028 sebelum akhirnya kalah dari Paramore (6.330.923). SAYA PERINGATKAN KEPADA KALIAN SEMUA, FANS LP, UNTUK TIDAK MELAKUKAN KEGIATAN ILEGAL INI! APA KALIAN MAU MEMPERMALUKAN BAND FAVORIT KALIAN? Biarkan kita kalah, tapi kita sudah melakukan hal sportif!

Hey guys.

at first sorry for my bad english but i try to describe my cheat that we can make that green day will win in all nominated categories on the fuse videos

so... its a very simple cheat. i use a programm that is called a macro recorder. it is very simple, the program records the movement of your mouse and than it plays it again. the main idea is that we record with the program the 3 voting clicks on the fuse website and then the program will repeat it again and again automatic, the only thing is that your computer should run all the time...or if you do nothing u can start the programm and u make votes. so if many people make this, i am sure that green day win at the fuse videos.

so i will now descripe how it works!

at first you have to download the macro recorder programm:

scroll down to the download button and download the .zip file.
then extract the downloaded zip file and start the setup.
now the recorder is installed and ready.

start the recorder with clicking on Jibit Macro Recorder in your start menu.
the software is a shareware, that means it is for the first 30 days free.
now click on evaluate.

so now you can see the user interface. minimize the programm and start the internet explorer or another browser. (with opera voting dont work...) go to the fuse website.

so... switch back to the jibit macro recorder.
now u have to start to record your macro. click on start recording. now u see the internet explorer or the other browser, with the fuse website...

now click on the STOP button on the top left corner of your screen.

now u can see your mousemovements in the program. the record is finished.

so... now u can click on play and the pc votes automatic for green day (IMG:style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif)
but only one time... so we had to fix that... in that way:

click with your mouse at the first item in the list, i think it is a delay. now the line have to be marked blue. if the line is marked blue now you have to click on "Insert" and than "Label...", write in the textfield the letter: a

now u see that you have added a label in the list, make a rightclick on the label and click on "Move Up" now the label should be the first element of the list.

now u have to go to the last element of the list, use for this the "End" key on your keyboard or scroll to the last element and click on it. now the last element has been marked blue. click again on "Insert" and than on "GOTO statement" and write in the textbox the letter from the label, in our case it is a: a

now you can save your macro with file, save as...

good! now you can click on play and the pc will vote for green day again and again.

you can pause the macro with Strg+P
and stop it with ScrLk Key on your keyboard (in the most cases it is the key next to the num lock key, in german it is the Rollen taste)

i hope u understand my little tutorial, sorry again for my bad english! i hope we will make it next week!

green day rulez, best band on planet!

Saya meminta maaf kepada para fans Green Day. Apakah "fans" Paramore juga ikut andil dalam kegiatan cheating ini?

Terima kasih banyak kepada nEAnnam atas pemberitahuannya!

Penulis : vyonizr ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Kecurangan dalam voting di Fuse TV ini dipublish oleh vyonizr pada hari 10 November 2009. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Kecurangan dalam voting di Fuse TV

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