LPU 13 dibuka 18 Nov With New Primo Demo

The most intimate content that LPU members have access to is the music. LINKIN PARK has been releasing EPs of unfinished songs, demos, and unreleased material since 2001 via the LPU. For the 13th year of the LPU, LINKIN PARK presents the LPU XIII CD, a collection of demos, unfinished songs and 2 additional tracks created by LPU members and produced by the band.

Linkin Park Underground baru saja mengumumkan bahwa  pendaftaran anggota LPU XIII mendatang akan dibuka mulai 18 November. Album ini akan mencangkup koleksi demo dan lagu yang belum selesai bersama dengan dua lagu tambahan dari LPU Sessions. Dapatkan sneak peak dari Primo (I'LL BE GONE - Longform 2010 Demo).  Baca catatan Mike pada Primo bawah:

Although we opted for a different final direction for “I’LL BE GONE,” I always loved this longer version of the song. I think this is a good example of how a different structure and arrangement can totally change the vibe of a song. Plus, this has a different chorus… - Mike Shinoda / LINKIN PARK

Join Linkin Park Underground di lpunderground.com.

source : LPA

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