Interview Chester di RX 93,1 tentang Philiphina, Keluarganya dan Linkin Park

Kemarin Chester berbicara di RX 93,1 didampingi host Andre Co dan Jinri Park dalam sebuah wawancara telepon mengenai  Living Things World Tour mereka di Mall of Asia Arena, Manila Philippines pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2013. Wawancara berlangsung di RX 93,1 Monster Radio Drive Thru yang berlangsung selama 25 menit bersama Chester yang juga membicarakan tentang Filipina, Tour, Kehidupan Keluarganya, Stone Temple Pilots, Transformers 4 dan segala sesuatu tentang Linkin Park. Kalian bisa mendengarkan Audionya (direkam oleh member LPA bernama Philsfan) di bawah ini :

* The Philippines reminds him of California, because it has both Hispanic and American influences.
 * He talked about family life and how he makes time for both family and music.
 * He talked about his encounter with a fan who admires him and sounds like him.
 * He listed down his favorite STP songs.
 * He talked about how his live collab with Chris Cornell back in 2008 came to be.
 * He still loves "Papercut" and "Breaking the Habit"
 * The primary difference between Chester 2004 and Chester 2013 is his bleach blond hair.
 * He's not sure when the next album is out, but they did say that they hoped they'll continue to make albums faster. And tour lesser.
 ** Because of that, they have no idea what will be the setlist of the Asia tour.
 * The band won't say no if they will be asked to contribute a song to Transformers 4.
 * Chester talked about his favorite Transformers toys.
 * He once again talked about how Linkin Park came to be.

Source : LPA 

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Interview Chester di RX 93,1 tentang Philiphina, Keluarganya dan Linkin Park ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari 24 Juni 2013. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Interview Chester di RX 93,1 tentang Philiphina, Keluarganya dan Linkin Park

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