Interview dengan Mike oleh Billboard Film, Examiner, dan ArtistDirect Tentang Scoring "The Raid"

Sepertinya belakangan ini Mike sedang kebanjiran permintaan wawancara. Yang terkini adalah dari Billboard Film, Examiner, dan ArtistDirect. Tema yang dibicarakan sama, yaitu tentang scoring film Serbuan Maut aka The Raid. ArtisDirect juga menambahkan topik Music for Relief dalam wawancaranya.

"Linkin Park songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and rapper, Mike Shinoda sat down with Billboard senior correspondent Phil Gallo at the Billboard and Hollywood Reporter Film & TV Music Conference to answer questions about his experiences in creating music with his band versus composing music for films. The trained-musician is currently writing and recording music for his first feature film "The Raid," directed by Gareth Evan and slated for an Linkearly-2012 release."
Video interview-nya dapat kamu lihat di sini.

"Another question had to do with the editing process: How do you decide which pieces to keep and which ones to cut? Mike Shinoda answered that question with an anecdote from when he was in school at the Art Center in Pasadena."
Baca artikel selengkapnya di sini. Untuk video interviewnya ada di sini.

"He's constantly pushing the envelope musically and immersing himself in new challenges. As an artist, he personifies the word "progress". His latest undertaking is the powerful, propulsive, and poignant score for the Indonesian action film, The Raid. Shinoda composed the music for the movie, matching the action with an equally energetic and otherworldly sonic counterpart."
Artikel lengkap beserta Q&A-nya dapat kamu baca di sini.

Credit: LPAssociation

Penulis : vyonizr ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Interview dengan Mike oleh Billboard Film, Examiner, dan ArtistDirect Tentang Scoring "The Raid" ini dipublish oleh vyonizr pada hari 26 Oktober 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Interview dengan Mike oleh Billboard Film, Examiner, dan ArtistDirect Tentang Scoring "The Raid"

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