Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 H

Kata telah terucap, tangan telah tergerak, prasangka telah terungkap. Tiada kata, Kecuali “saling maaf” jalin ukhuwah & kasih sayang raih indahnya kemenangan hakiki. Kami segenap pengurus blog ini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 H.
Photo by : Faizal ChazShinizle Irfandi

Tribute To Linkin Park di Jakarta.

Buat kalian semua yg berdomisili di Jakarta, ada kabar gembira. Setelah Tribute to Linkin Park di bandung tanggal 10 september nanti, kini Mustang88FM mempunyai planning Tribute to Linkin Park juga yg akan diadakan di Jakarta, tanggal nya antara 16,17,18 sept nanti. Nah, 100 orang pertama yg daftar, dapat HTM yang lebih murah, HTM normal berkisar 35rb-40rb. Dan bagi kalian yang mempunyai band yg ingin berpartisipasi, bisa daftar, lgsg ke Mustang88FM atau ke Kang Tebe, tapi tentunya pihak Mustang88FM yang audisi. Untuk yang mau jadi 100 orang yang dapat potongan harga ke Tribute2LP di jakarta nanti, bisa kirim message ke Kang Tebe dengan format Nama Lengkap, No.telp yg aktif (bisa dihubungi) dan Alamat.

Event "A Thousand Horizon"

Kalian diundang untuk acara "A Thousand Horizon" di Tokyo, 9 September 2011. Bahkan jika kalian tidak berada di Tokyo pada tanggal 9 September 2011 kalian masih bisa berpartisipasi di

A Thousand Suns, album revolusioner Linkin Park yang dirilis pada tahun 2010 telah meluapkan harapan para fansnya di mana-mana. Dan revolusi datang ke Jepang. Sebelum leg terakhir "Thousand Suns Tour" mereka dimulai, Linkin Park akan mempersembahkan art show amal untuk para korban gempa dan tsunami 11 Maret kemarin. Film art baru bersamaan dengan lagu remix (dari ATS) oleh Joe Hahn akan ditampilkan di acara unik ini, yang diadakan di Tokyo's NicoFarre dan secara langsung akan ditampilkan live elalui internet via NicoNico Douga.

Terima Kasih kepada Afit 'Hawkie' Nighthawk atas infonya.

A Thousand Horizons

Jika kalian sekarang membuka , maka akan muncul Animation Text bertuliskan "A Thousand Horizons".

dan pada tgl 19 Agustus kemaren, akun twitter Joe Hahn mengatakan :
"A Thousand Horizons. Coming soon to a Tokyo near you."

Apakah akan ada suprise di Asia Tour kali ini???

Source : LPA

Pamflet "One Step Closer : A Tribute to Linkin Park"

Baru-baru ini, pihak Rise Your Glory Event Organizer merelease pamflet untuk acara One Step Closer : A Tribute to Linkin Park. Berikut pamflet nya.

Acara One Step Closer: A Tribute to Linkin Park yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 September 2011 dimulai pukul 17.00 WIB sampai dengan selesai. Bertempat di Fame Station, Jl. Sersan Bajuri no 100 Bandung. Sasaran utama dari acara ini adalah fans Linkin Park yang ada di seluruh Indonesia, serta masyarakat luas yang ingin tahu banyak mengenai Linkin Park.
Konsep yang disuguhkan sesuai dengan nama dan tema acara, yaitu “One Step Closer : A Tribute To Linkin Park", All About Linkin Park.

- Music, menampilkan 8 band yang akan membawakan lagu-lagu Linkin Park sesuai dengan aliran musik dari masing-masing band tersebut.
- Community, lebih memperkenalkan komunitas Linkin Park yang ada baik regional maupun nasional.
- Play on Screen, sepanjang acara akan menampilkan video-video clip Linkin Park, serta penampilan dari para pengisi acara (with and without audio).

Acara yang diharapkan menjadi acara tahunan yang didukung oleh fans Linkin Park di Indonesia dari berbagai daerah di Tanah Air tentunya akan menjadi ajang berkumpul serta bersilaturahmi bagi para penggemar Linkin Park. Sebagai tambahan acara ini diharapkan menjadi ajang apresiasi dan honorisasi terhadap Linkin Park.
Penggemar Linkin Park yang datang juga bisa membeli tiket konser "Linkin Park: A Thousand Suns World Tour 2011" yang akan diselenggarakan di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Jakarta pada tanggal 21 September 2011 langsung di tempat.
"Let's Make Some Noise Before The Big Concert"

Source : @Tribute2LP

Pengumuman konser di Indonesia dari Chester

Baru-baru ini Chester Bennington mengumumkan mengenai konser Linkin Park di Indonesia. Berikut videonya :

Terima kasih kepada member kami Dheandra Armyra Pratama atas info video nya.

Transkrip Chat LPU Chat dengan Brad Delson 19-08-2011

Hasil LPU chat dengan Brad Delson :
  • He said on the next record he will be playing less guitar, and he’s played some acoustic guitar on it.
  • His favourite moment from the ATS tour was, their show in Norway, because they sound really loud, louder than he’s ever heard a crowd sing.
  • He was in a studio during the chat, he said they are always writing.
  • He’s excited about the upcoming tour in Asia and the Secret Show For Japan.
  • He thanks everyone who raised money for Japan, and they reached their target total, but he still encourages people to continue to donate.
  • Someone asked if he is planning to grow his hair out again, he said it’s getting long but he doesn’t have plans for it.
  • He loves playing shows in Germany.
  • He likes to play When They Come For Me, because he gets to play different instruments.
  • He said he enjoyed the show in Moscow, he said that they didn’t play One Step Closer because they have a lot of songs, the flashmob was awesome.
  • Started playing guitar when he was 12.
  • He said he’s excited for DeLuna Fest, he said its with great bands and it’ll be their last show of 2011 in the US.
  • He said he doesn’t know what’s the hardest song to play, since he usually isn’t thinking about what he’s doing onstage.
  • Favourite albums are the ones where you can listen to all the songs on them.
  • He thanked the LPUer’s for their support.
  • He said they liked to rotate setlists, and they like to make sure they play songs that people want to hear, rather than lesser-known songs, and also some of the songs, they don’t know how to play.
  • He said he’s looking forward to playing Robot Boy at some point, possibly in a special presentation of some sort.
  • When leaving he said that he hopes to us at the shows this year or if not, then next year, so it sounds like they plan to be back on the road in 2012!
Source :


Chester di KROQ

Chester Bennington akan diinterview pada acara Kevin & Bean show di radio KROQ besok, 18 Agustus di 08:00 PT. Dia akan membuat pengumuman khusus mengenai Secret Show untuk Jepang di L.A pada 31 Agustus 2011.

Klik disini untuk mendengarkan.

Sumber : LPL

Pre-Order DSP Asia Tour

Pada tanggal 6 September, Linkin Park akan memulai "A Thousand Suns" Asia Tour pertama mereka dengan bermain di Hong Kong. Linkin Park juga konser pada 11 pertunjukkan di 7 negara. Dan seperti biasanya, pada setiap show mereka akan di rekam Audio nya dan dijadikan DSP (Digital Souvenir Packages). Berikut jadwal tour nya :

06.Sept.2011 - Hong Kong, HK
08.Sept.2011 - Seoul, KR
10.Sept.2011 - Chiba, JP
11.Sept.2011 - Chiba, JP
13.Sept.2011 - Yokohama, JP
14.Sept.2011 - Nagoya, JP
16.Sept.2011 - Osaka, JP
19.Sept.2011 - Taipei, TW
21.Sept.2011 - Jakarta, ID
23.Sept.2011 - Bangkok, TH
25.Sept.2011 - Singapore, SG

Pada Asia Tour yang akan datang, kalian nanti bisa membeli DSP nya disini.

Source : LPL

Episode baru LPTV : European Tour 2011 - Part II

Linkin Park baru-baru ini meng-upload video LPTV mereka. Video ini adalah lanjutan dari LPTV episode European Tour 2011 - Part I. Pada episode kali ini, meliput cuplikan acara privat screening film Transformers 3 bersama fans-fans nya. Selain itu, ada juga cuplikan konser LP di Norwegia. Berikut video nya.

Source : LPA

LPU Chat dengan Brad Delson

Brad Delson akan melakukan chat dengan member LPU pada hari Jumat, 19 Agustus jam 3:00 PM PT (Sabtu 20 Agustus jam 5.00 WIB).

Penambahan Jadwal Tour Linkin Park

Linkin Park telah meng-upload video Mike Shinoda dan Phoenix yang mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan menjadi band penutup dari festival DeLuna di Pensacola, Florida bulan Oktober mendatang, tepatnya pada tanggal 16. Berikut video nya.

Source : LPA

HUT Republik Indonesia ke- 66

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia yang ke- 66. Sudah 66 tahun Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia merdeka. Tentunya tak lepas dari peran para pahlawan yang berjuang demi kebahagiaan bangsa Indonesia.

Semoga Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dan meraih kemerdekaan yang sesungguh nya.


Episode baru LPTV : European Tour 2011 - Part I

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Linkin Park mengupload video LPTV terbaru mereka. Dalam video LPTV kali ini, kalian bisa melihat persiapan konser mereka di Eropa pada bulan juni lalu. Kalian juga dapat melihat asal mula ide dari Linkin Park untuk meng-cover lagu "Rolling in the Deep" milik Adele dan memainkannya untuk pertama kali di LPU Summit Hamburg, Jerman. Disini juga memperlihatkan persiapan show mereka di Red Square, Russia.

Teaser Tribute to Linkin Park

Berikut adalah video teaser untuk acara "One Step Close : A Tribute to Linkin Park" di bandung 10 September mendatang.

Demo Teenage Engineering's OP-1 dari Mike Shinoda

Masih ingat dengan keyboard baru nya Mike Shinoda yang pernah diposting di Twitter nya???

Beberapa hari yang lalu melalui official channel youtube nya, Mike Shinoda meng-upload video demo yang menggunakan keyboard ini. Nama keyboardnya adalah Teenage Engineering's OP-1 synthesizer. Berikut video nya

Jika kalian ingin mempunyai keyboard tersebut, kalian bisa membelinya dengan harga US$ 849 di official site Teenage Engineering.

Source : LPA, Official Channel Mike Shinoda

Linkin Park peduli pengungsi Gunung Lokon

Seperti yang diberitakan sebelumnya, bahwa band rock terkenal asal California, Amerika Serikat, Linkin Park (LP) akan kembali datang ke Indonesia dan menggelar konser di Jakarta pada 21 September 2011 mendatang di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno dengan tampilan berbeda dari sebelumnya.
Menurut Jacqueline Losung, Direktur dari Big Daddy, promotor yang biasanya menjadi promotor acara Disneyland dan The Phantom of the Opera, mengungkapkan bahwa LP akan hadir dengan membawa misi sosial.
Grup band yang digawangi oleh Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Dave Farrell, Joe Hahn dan Mike Shinoda itu sebelumnya pernah ke Indonesia pada tahun 2004. Dan tahun ini mereka akan mengunjungi fansnya kembali sekaligus memperkenalkan album terbarunya A Thousand Sun yang menduduki chart pertama di Billboard top 200.
"Selain menghibur fans setianya, LP yang konser di Indonesia juga akan menyumbang Rp10000/tiket untuk Music for Relief yang rencananya akan diberikan kepada korban Gunung Lokon, Sulawesi Utara," jelas Jacqueline Losung seperti dikutip
Di Indonesia sendiri, kapasitas tempat yang ditawarkan sebanyak 25.000 penonton dengan harga tiket bervariasi dari Rp750.000 hingga Rp4.000.000.
Tidak hanya mendatangkan LP ke Indonesia sebagai pemuas dahaga fans LP yang berjumlah sekitar 2,4 juta orang itu, Big Daddy juga akan kembali mendatangkan musisi luar negeri yang pastinya luar biasa.
Dengan mengusung nama BIG WAVE, Big Daddy siap mendatangkan 3 band besar sekaligus, yakni Panic at the Disco, Bad Religion, dan Yellow Card pada 20 September mendatang.

Sumber : MetroTvNews

Iklan konser Linkin Park di Indonesia

Ini dia iklan promo Linkin Park Live in Jakarta.

Merch Official LPI: Contest (update)

Tau merch kan? Merchandise. Semacam pernak-pernih. Seperti stiker, kaos, dll. Kita bakal bikin merch official LPI. Merch tsb jg buat menunjukan identitas LPI. Kalo punya merch LPI, berarti member resmi LPI. Dulu, kita punya merch LPI juga. Yaitu kaos. Kaos LPI itu hasil desain kontes LPI tahun lalu. Sekarang kita bakal bikin Merch baru lagi.

Merch-nya antara lain:

  • ID card
  • Kaos
  • Sticker
  • Pin

Dan yg bakal kita lombakan itu adalah desain ID card, Sticker, dan Pin. Intinya adalah: kontes desain merch LPI. Kenapa kita ngadain kontes buat merch2 tsb, tapi kaosnya nggak? Karena kaos LPI sudah ada desain Official-nya.
Ketentuan Desain Merch sebagai berikut :

  • ID card : Tema ATS. Ukuran 9x6 (cm) Logo LPI-nya memakai logo desain yg akan diberikan.
  • PIN : Bebas.
  • Sticker : Satu warna aja (silver metallic) Biar mudah, buat gambarnya berwarna hitam dan background putih polos/transparan.

Desain yg terpilih jd pemenang antara lain:
  • 1 design ID card
  • 3 design Pin LPI
  • 3 design Sticker LPI

Setiap orang hanya boleh mengirim 1 desain setiap jenis desain (kategori). Baik ID card, pin, maupun sticker. Maksudnya, bebas memilih desain mana aja yg ingin dikumpul. Entah 1 jenis, 2 jenis, maupun 3 jenis, tak masalah. Yang penting tiap desain hanya ada 1 desain.

DEADLINE : 21 Agustus 2010 pukul 20.00 WIB

Kumpulkan via message agan Chuerizz Kubis. Bisa juga via dm agan @ahmadreiza.

Sementara ini, kumpulkan aja desain pin & sticker. ID card akan kami tentukan kriteria lebih lanjut. Setidaknya, persiapkan saja.

Acara Tribute to Linkin Park di Bandung

Bagi kalian yang berdomisili di Bandung, ada kabar gembira, RISE YOUR GLORY! Event Organizer kali ini akan mengadakan acara Tribute to Linkin Park. Acara yang bertajuk "One Step Closer : a Tribute to Linkin Park" ini akan diadakan di Fame Station, Bandung pada tgl 10 September 2011. Dalam acara ini, kalian bisa berkumpul dengan para LPU, LPST, dan LPSS yang ada di Bandung. Selain itu, bagi kalian yang mempunyai group band yang biasa membawakan lagu-lagu punya Linkin Park, kalian bisa menjadi pengisi acara. Berikut teknis acara nya :

Proposal (klik gambar untuk memperbesar):

Bagi kalian yang ingin mengikuti audisi band untuk menjadi salah satu pengisi acara, bisa download dan isi formulir pendaftarannya disini : Klik
Untuk lagu wajib Audisi adalah (pilih salah satu):
1. One Step Closer
2. Somewhere I Belong
3. Leave Out All The Rest
4. Waiting for The End
Untuk info lebih lanjut, follow twitter @RYG_official, @Tribute2LP dan @lp_indonesia.
seluruh acara "One Step Closer: a Tribute to Linkin Park " ini rencananya akan didokumentasikan menjadi video album & video album ini akan dibawa pada saat Konser Linkin Park 21 September nanti untuk masing2 ditandatangani oleh Linkin Park dan diberikan sebagai gift untuk Linkin Park.. Jadi ini kesempatan teman2 untuk bisa berpartisipasi di acara ini dan masuk dalam video album.. :)

Transkrip LPU chat dengan Chester

Pagi tadi, vocalis Linkin Park, Chester Bennington melakukan chat dengan member LPU. Berikut transkrip chat nya :
Q: What is the new album going to sound like?

It’s going to be different. Too early to say what it’s going to sound like, we have no idea. But, we’re working with Rick, and we’re in the process of writing some songs.

Q: What was the hardest obstacle to over come while making A Thousand Suns?

I would say that just kind of getting out of a comfort zone when we write. Once you know how to do something, you kind of want to keep repeating that and that gets really easy, but I think that overcoming the safe route is probably the hardest part because it’s easy to do the same thing. It’s harder to take a chance and make music that sounds different than the stuff than the stuff that was successful in the past.

Q: Will you make another Dead By Sunrise record?

Maybe. I don’t know. I think I’ll probably make another one. But I think that Dead By Sunrise is something that’s gonna have to happen when I’m not busy with Linkin Park, and that could be in a long time. So I don’t know when the next one will come out.

Q: Will you be performing any other covers?

Playing covers is something we don’t do very often, so we have to be picky about that kind of thing. But eight years ago when we didn’t have very many songs to play live, we would actually play songs like “Wish” or any of the other Deftones songs or whatever we could throw in our show because we only had like 36 minutes of music. So I don’t know how often we’ll do covers.

Q: What lessons have you learned over the past 10 years?

I’ve learned a lot of stuff over the last 10 years. I think I’ve learned to calm down a little bit. I was just a little kid, a young man when we started this. I’m kind of like an old guy now. I think learning patience and being a dad is really something that I didn’t know…I didn’t know I would be the person I am today for sure 10 years ago.

Q: Will you play Robot Boy live?

Maybe. I would like to play all of A Thousand Suns from beginning to end live someday, that’d be cool.

Q: How do you keep your voice good after grunting / screaming?

I don’t know. I’ve never kind of figured that out. The first couple of days on tour are usually the toughest, but honestly I don’t know how my voice holds up after every show. It’s kind of a mystery.

Q: What is the hardest song to sing?

I would say that Crawling has caused me the most trouble live more than any other song. Just because it’s that one long note the whole time, but I think probably Crawling and probably With You was hard when we used to play that one.

Q: How do you come up with lyrics in other languages?

We don’t really think about it. We just write them in English and just translate it in whatever country they’re sold in. I’m not sure if they translate word for word, but we don’t really think about it when we’re writing.

Q: What was it like to be in the Saw movie?

It was a lot of fun, I really really enjoyed it. I would love to do more movies, but I don’t know if I’m that good of an actor. Saw was awesome. I love those movies. I think the movie could have been better, but I really have to say it was one of the most fun things to do.

Q: Would you ever play some of the LPU songs live?

Live is something that’s interesting, especially for fans who are really really super diehard fans that want us to play crazy stuff like songs from the LPU or songs that are unreleased demos, stuff like that. I think that would work in a really intimate setting with a few people, like if we had 20 people and we played something in a room with them. I don’t know if it would work in an arena or at a show or at a festival where there are thousands of people who may just be casual fans wondering what the hell you’re playing. If the time is right and the moment calls, you’ll never know what we play live.

Q: Do you prefer small intimate audiences or bigger ones?

I think that the smaller the crowd, the more nerve-wracking it is to play. I think I really enjoy playing the big ones the best.

Q: How does it feel now in 2011 to play songs from Hybrid Theory?

I think that a lot of the songs we still play from Hybrid Theory are songs we really enjoy playing. I think that we…I really enjoy watching the crowd explode now as much as it did ten years ago when we played One Step Closer, so that’s pretty cool.

Q: Which was the hardest album out of the four records to make?

I would probably say that Hybrid Theory was probably the hardest to make, because it was the first one. We were still kind figuring things out in terms of our song writing and how things work in the studio and whose input goes where. I think that the process of making Hybrid Theory was probably the most difficult. Things got really easy after that.

Q: Do you still like screaming?

I love to scream. I think that it’s really a lot of fun for me. It sounds great and it’s difficult to do. It’s definitely not the only thing I want to do. I want to try to use my voice in as many ways as possible. I also want to be able to sing for as long as I can, and hopefully when I’m 65 I can still sing Given Up or something, but I don’t know if I’ll be screaming my entire career but I do really enjoy it.

Q: Tell us about doing the "Chicken" before shows.

I do a lot of ritualistic like things before the shows. Some silly things that we do end up becoming things that we do every day, and the Chicken just happened to be one of them. It doesn’t make any sense, and it doesn’t have any significant meeting, it’s just something fun I like to do with Brad and it’s something that gets us in a good mood and sets the challenge for positive fun energy right before I get on stage.

Q: Would you tour with Muse if you had the chance? (Louis' Question)

Absolutely. Muse is a great band, they’re really great live. Really nice guys. I’d like to tour with them.

Q: Would you ever do an acoustic tour?

That’d be fun. I could see Mike and I doing some shows together acoustically. I don’t know if we could do an entire acoustic Linkin Park show, but it’d be fun.

Q: Which musician has inspired you the most?

That’s hard to say. There are so many bands, but I’d have to say probably Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Jane’s Addiction, Ministry, Depeche Mode…those are probably my favorite bands, those are the ones I paid the most attention to.

Q: How has your writing process changed?

I think that my process has changed a lot over the past ten years just because of working with other guys that are actually really great song writers. Mike is a great song writer. Brad is a very good song writer. We’ve had a chance to work with so many different producers and artists and you pick up a lot on the way. For me, I’ve learned that a long time ago I wanted to make a song great. The better it sounded, the better the song was. Right now, I don’t really care what the song sounds like, so long as it’s a good song and it can be played in any way. Those are the kinds of songs I want to put on records.

Q: Will you release the acoustic Dead By Sunrise songs?

I think that’s possible. I would love to put out everything we’ve done for Dead By Sunrise just out there for you guys to have. But I don’t know if that’s possible.


How nervous were you trying out for Linkin Park? (Louis' Question)

I actually wasn’t nervous at all. I actually didn’t really think of it like I was auditioning for them. In my mind, they were really auditioning for me as much as I was auditioning for them. So I knew that they ahd reached out to me through their camp and asked me to submit a tape. I never even knew the band existed. That was something I really didn’t consider…it wasn’t like “God I hope I go into this interview and get the job. I kind of thought I already had the job.” And they just needed to see it and if they didn’t choose me, then they were wrong.

Q: What was the first demo you were sent from the band?

I think it had the original version of Place for my Head. That was the song that I got.

Q: Will you ever play a show with every Linkin Park Song?

That would be fun! I’m down. Try to convince the rest of the band, we’ll start from the beginning and play through the end, to the present.

Q: Is Nu-Metal dead?

I hope so.

Q: Will you ever play Easier to Run live again?

I don’t think so. I don’t think Dave likes that song. So, it’s his fault. That’s why we don’t play it, ‘cause Dave doesn’t like it.

Q: You should play Runaway.

Ha ha, I hate that song.

Q: Would you ever star in a musical?

I love doing theater productions. I could see myself doing a musical as a role for a guy with a lot of tattoos and giant holes in his ears.

Q: What’s your favorite Linkin Park song?

I’d probably say Breaking the Habit and Papercut are probably my favorites.

Q: What was the hardest song to write off of A Thousand Suns? (Louis' Question)

I would say that Blackout was probably the hardest song to write off A Thousand Suns, in my opinion.

Q: Can you arrange a concert of songs that are never or rarely performed?

I think it goes back…there are certain people that it would be really cool for us to play a lot of songs that are rare and we don’t play very often. I don’t think most people would like to see us play songs that they don’t know very well.

Q: Have you ever forgotten lyrics to the songs?

I forget lyrics all of the times. Sometimes I’m surprised I sing some of the songs right, because I can’t think of the songs. But to somehow kind of just say shit, they come in some way.

Q: What was so difficult about writing Blackout? (Louis' Question)

One of the difficult things was trying to…I did the scat…it’s kind of an original melody without words, just kind of spewing sounds. I had this whacky scat that was really difficult to put words to. I think that was really hard. We also wrote the song in three movements, so trying to make that work, make the transitions make sense, and also make the song aggressive without being obvious and using obvious tricks was difficult.

Q: Will your next album be tricky like the last album the way that it changed your style so dramatically?

I hope so. I think that so long as we’re making music that we think is original and that is interesting to us, we’ll be happy.

Q: Will you ever consider letting fans pick your setlist?

Probably not.

Q: Is there going to be a new single?

I don’t think there’s going to be a new single. I’m not sure.

Q: How do you deal with injuries on tour?

I don’t know. Each one’s different, but I get injured all of the time and usually people don’t notice when you twist an ankle or pull something in your neck or something like that, but I think that usually we just play through them. The best way to get through any kind of injury is to take care of it obviously, but also to work through it. We just play on.

Q: Are you sad about the people who don’t like the change in your music?

I think at one time I probably was, back during the Hybrid Theory or Meteora days. I would take it very personally when people didn’t like our music, and now I just don’t care. I know that the songs we put on our records are songs that I personally feel very confident in, and feel very proud of. At the time, I believe each record we put out is the best record we could make at the time. As time goes on, I think we’re much better song writers now than we were when we wrote Hybrid Theory. There were really great moments on Hybrid Theory that were awesome, and moments that I don’t like. I think that happens as you go on in your career as a musician. You’re going to like some songs that you’ve written and not like other songs that you’ve written. But I think that the most important thing for us is really just kind of not worrying about what other people think, and just worry about making the music we enjoy making.

Q: Will there be other games like 8-Bit Rebellion?

We’ve got some things in mind, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we have some more stuff coming out for you guys.

Q: Are Joe’s videos hard to make?

Some of the stuff we do in Joe’s videos is hard. I know that Mike really doesn’t like snakes and he had to hold one for 5 hours. I've had to sing underwater and have my face mashed in warm milk, be held upside down, dropped into a burning bed, that stuff is never fun. Just kidding, it’s actually really fun. Sometimes they’re difficult to make. When I’m sitting in my underwear for 6 hours in the rain until 4 o’clock in the morning, that sucked. Ha ha.

Q: What do you think about Amy Winehouse?

I think she was a very talented singer, and I think that it sucks that she died. Bummer.

Q: Favorite music video?

Best music video ever made is “Give It Away” by Red Hot Chili Peppers. That was the best video ever.

Q: When did you start playing music and singing?

I started singing when I was really, really young. I’ve always kinda sung my whole life. I started playing music when I was about thirteen. I was in my first band around that time, and by the time I was sixteen I had made a record.

Q: How was your experience in Grey Daze?

It was mixed, we had a lot of great times and we had a lot of fun. We played a lot of great shows, but we also had a lot of turbulent times as well and as a lot of member changes so it was kind of a pain in the ass.

Q: Spongebob or Patrick?

Definitely Spongebob. I think Spongebob has life figured out.


Will you play other instruments in the future?

I think for me, I started playing instruments so late that it wasn’t something I ever really excelled at. I’m not really comfortable playing guitar and singing life. I can do it, but I’m not like a prodigy at the guitar or the piano or anything. I don’t know how much of the musicianship you’ll see out of me.

Q: Who are you closest to in the band? (Louis' Question)

I think we’re all pretty close, but I definitely think because we always travel together, Mike and Dave I’m probably closer to than others. I think because Mike and I work so much together, we’re always writing together and always touring together, traveling together, interviewing together, we are together the most so we’re probably the closest. We also talk about things more than with the other guys because we write lyrics together.

Q: Do you and Mike ever fight?

I don’t think we’ve ever really fought in the band. I think we’ve been super lucky with the fact that we all get along. I would say that the relationships with myself and the other guys in the band are really very harpy relationships, we don’t really yell at each other and we don’t really argue.

Q: What do you think of gay marriage being legalized nationally?

I think people should go to marry whoever they want. I don’t understand what the big deal is.

Q: What about the song with Travis Barker?

I actually never did one. Travis is awesome, I’d love to do something with Travis if we have the right amount of time and the right piece of music to do something together, that would be great. As of right now, we haven’t done anything.

Q: When you will release your Nine Inch Nails cover of "Head Like a Hole?"

That’s a good question. I’d love to get my hands on a copy of that, ‘cause it’s awesome.

Terima kasih kepada member kami, Dheandra Armyra Pratama atas infonya.
Photo : MSC
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