Jalan-Jalan ke Home-Studionya Mike!

Emusician.com meng-upload 2 video menarik! Mereka mengajakmu jalan-jalan ke studio pribadi Mike.

Part 1: Mike mengantar kita ke gear-gear yang ia gunakan di studionya.
Part 2: Mike mengantar kita ke peralatan yang Linkin Park gunakan untuk memproduksi lagu Wretches And Kings dan The Catalyst.

Selain itu Emusician juga meng-interview Mike. Kamu bisa melihat interview tertulisnya di *SINI*. Cekidot cuplikannya di bawah.

How do you do it? What kind of security measures have you taken?
We hired these folks who basically sit with the drives at all times, so they go to the studio—they arrive there before us with the drives. Before we start in any studio, they assess the security protocol and make sure that it’s up to speed, and they make sure that none of our studio computers are on a Wi-Fi or connected to the wireless network in the building, that none of the computers are backing up wirelessly, so that everything is insulated and secure. And then we come in, we work, we leave, they back up, and then the drives get put in a fireproof enclosure until the next time we come into the studio.

Penulis : vyonizr ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Jalan-Jalan ke Home-Studionya Mike! ini dipublish oleh vyonizr pada hari 21 Oktober 2010. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Jalan-Jalan ke Home-Studionya Mike!

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