Video LPTV baru, Episode "Iridescent" Rehearsals

Masih ingat sama perform Linkin Park di acara Premier Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon di Moscow?? Video ini memperlihatkan persiapan mereka untuk membawakan lagu "Iridescent" (Radio Edit) yang menjadi soundtrack film tersebut untuk pertama kalinya.
Kalian bisa melihat Rob Bourdon mendengarkan lagu tersebut melalui iPhone milik nya, sedangkan Chester dan Brad Delson sedang berkoordiansi pada reff terakhirnya.


Pemenang Iridescent Artwork Contest

Iridescent Artwork Contest akhirnya telah mendapat pemenangnya. Juara I diraih oleh Wan Muhammad Azzim (Malaysia) dan runner up nya diraih oleh Ashkan Harati (Belgia).

Berikut artwork nya :
Juara I :

Juara II :

Beredar banyak kontroversi dari artwork milik Wan Muhammad Azzim, bisa dibaca disini.

Source : Linkin Park Deviantart

"Iridescent" di Premier Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon

Kemarin, bertempat di Moscow, Linkin Park perform di acara world premier film Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon. Show kali ini menjadi debut perdana mereka memainkan secara live lagu "Iridescent" (Transformers edit).
Berikut video nya :

Source : Linkin Park facebook

Transkrip LPU Chat dengan Mike Shinoda

Pada tanggal 17 Juni 2011, Mike Shinoda mengadakan chat dengan member LPU jam 11pm (local time). Bertempat di hotel Berlin.
Berikut poin-poin dari chat tersebut.
- Can’t get the V Shape stage because they have to send it over, they have to make do with the flat stages they have at festivals
- Not sure if they are finished touring for ATS after the Asia tour because they have family stuff to consider, and they’re not a band who has the strict schedule of touring and then making an album and then touring… this routine works better for them.
- He talked a bit about setlists, he said that for everyone one who wants to see one thing live other people will be bummbed for whatever they take out of the setlist to make room for it. He asked us what our favourite Linkin Park songs are and what song we would be dissapointed to be not on the set list if we went to see them live.
- About No Roads Left live, he said they practised and recorded it and there was something he didnt like about the performance when they played it back.
- They’re sticking to the current set lists while they get used to playing them again.
- He said he appreciates that people would love to see song live that are not a part of the regular setlists, but that, particularly for festival shows where the crowds are not full of die-hard Linkin Park fans its difficult as these crowds will want to see the singles that they know-of being played.
- His cut finger is doing much better and he showed us the blender that he cut it with, he said he uses it to make smoothies and protein shakes.
- In his hotel room he had coffee, water, his blender, and his dirty laundry.
- He said that they will announce the winner of the Iridescent art contest soon, they had narrowed it down to 5/6 and each band member had voted, the winner is from Malaysia.
- He asked us if we were following him on instagram.
- He just saw the new X Men movie, he said it was ok but he was mad that some review has compared it to The Dark Knight, which is his favourite superhero movie, he said there is no comparison.
- Mike talked about Russia for a bit and one of his best memories was when he saw this Linkin Park billboard (ground level) and he saw writing on it. He got closer to see what was written and it was welcome messages, in English and Russian.
- He also mentioned that Chester will be flying to Germany tomorrow and that they sometimes get spread out on tour.

Transkrip chat:
[22:21] m_shinoda:

[22:23] m_shinoda: OK I was drawing on the whiteboard. All done.

[22:23] jenslp: mike why is your name now m_shinoda and not mikeshinoda?

[22:24] m_shinoda: What? It’s m_shinoda again? Ugh, it keeps changing.

[22:24] anaphx: your favourite starbucks mister shinoda what is it`? [22:24] m_shinoda: I like coffee.

[22:25] m_shinoda: I left the drawing.

[22:25] m_shinoda: Weenie Roast was fun. I had tech problems, but it was all good.

[22:26] aravind22221: MIKE>> optimus or bumblebee

[22:26] m_shinoda: Optimus, I think.

(RE: a comment on the recent Kerrang interview with Chester)

[22:26] m_shinoda: Polarize people? This album isn’t NEARLY done. I have no idea.

[22:27] m_shinoda: Metric? I like that band.

[22:27] m_shinoda: Android tablets: I saw a windows-based tablet tonight, which looked great. Android could

[22:28] m_shinoda: METROID

[22:28] fudgebunneh: Mike do you like Rebecca Black?

[22:28] m_shinoda: FRIE_DAY_FRIEEE_DAYYY

[22:29] m_shinoda: I’m going to go…but I’m going to leave you with something amazing.

[22:29] m_shinoda:

[22:30] m_shinoda: BYE

Source : Chester Shinoda

Foto hasil survey GBK.

Tadi siang, perwakilan LPI (Tubagus Restu Fauzi dan Annisa Sabran) dan Big Daddy berkesempatan men survey tempat yang akan digunakan konser dan tempat penjualan Ticket Pre-sale besok.
Berikut foto-foto nya :

Keterangan :
Foto 1 : Persiapan buat penjualan presale besok, disediakan 30 loket tiket.
Foto 2 : Sama seperti foto pertama.
Foto 3 : Pintu masuk ke venue 21 September nanti.
Foto 4 : View dari seat Yellow.
Foto 5 : View dari seat Blue.
Foto 6 : Stage bakal di tanah, tidak menyentuh rumput.

Thanks to Fina J Roza atas fotonya

Pre-Sale ticket Linkin Park di GBK.

Pihak Big Daddy selaku promotor akan membuka Pre-sale ticketing Linkin Park besok jam 12 siang, bertempat di Tennis Indoor.
Jadwal penjualan nya :
- 16 Juni 2011, pukul 12.00-21.00 WIB penjualan khusus para Member Fans Linkin Park Indonesia (wajib menunjukkan print out Invitation dari Linkin Park)
- 17 Juni 2011, pukul 10.00-21.00 WIB Penjualan khusus kepada para Member Fans Club Linkin park Indonesia (wajib menunjukkan print out invitation dari Linkin Park)
- 18 Juni 2011, pukul 10.00-21.00 WIB Penjualan kepada khalayak umum
- 19 Juni 2011, pukul 10.00-21.00 WIB Penjualan kepada khalayak umum
Berikut list harga ticket nya :
Harga ticket (klik untuk memperbesar):

untuk yang masih bingung mengenai venue nya, bisa dilihat map nya.
Venue Map (klik untuk memperbesar):

Bagi kalian yang mau dateng langsung ke Tennis Indoor, harus membawa print out dari file yg harus di download disini.

Source : Big Daddy

Polling lagu yang akan dibawakan Linkin Park.

Pihak Big Daddy selaku promotor sedang mengadakan poll untuk lagu yang akan dibawakan Linkin Park 21 September mendatang. Kalian bisa pilih lagunya disini. Kami mengaharapkan kalian memilih "Robot Boy", kenapa??? Karena lagu ini sama sekali belum pernah dibawakan secara Live oleh Linkin Park, dan jika lagu ini dibawakan secara Live di Indonesia, maka konser di Indonesia kali ini akan membuat sejarah baru bagi Linkin Park dan para fans nya karena untuk Pertama kalinya "Robot Boy" dibawakan secara Live.

Video Making of Iridescent

Berikut video "Making of Iridescent" nya Linkin Park.

Linkin Park kembali ke Indonesia..!!

Akhirnya Linkin Park menkonfirmasi jadwal konser mereka di Indonesia. Berita ini bersumber dari akun Facebook dan twitter nya Linkin Park.

Source : Linkin Park Facebook, Linkin Park Twitter

Vote Linkin Park di 50 Best L.A Bands

latimesmagazine mengadakan polling untuk 50 band terbaik di L.A (Los Angeles) dan Linkin Park masuk nominasi. Kalian dapat vote Linkin Park disini.

Source : latimesmagazine

Permintaan terakhir seorang anak penderita kanker otak.

Seorang anak bernama Kyle, berasal dari Artesia, CA (selatan Los Angeles) adalah penderita Kanker Otak. dalam video ini diceritakan bahwa permintaan terakhirnya adalah bertemu salah satu personil dari Green Day, Linkin Park, atau Ozzy Osbourne.

Jika kalian mempunyai blog, silahkan posting video ini, dan bantu menyebar luaskan nya. Siapa tahu pihak Linkin Park dapat cepat mengetahui tentang video ini.

Update :
Akhirnya, Chester Bennington menjenguk Kyle, setelah sehari sebelumnya Rob Bourdon juga ikut menjenguk Kyle.

Terima Kasih kepada Irfan Haikal Fasya atas infonya.

Video Clip "Iridescent"

Akhirnya VC single terbaru dari Linkin Park yg selama ini ditunggu-tunggu oleh semua fans nya, telah di release oleh MTV. Tanpa banyak kata, silahkan lihat VC nya berikut ini :

Download disini

Source : MSC, Terima kasih kepada Chester Bilal Shinoda LpUnderground atas link MSC nya.

Sneak Peek & Photo behind the scene MV Iridescent

Beberapa jam yang lalu MTV memposting 36 detik sneak peek dari video clip single terbaru Linkin Park, Iridescent.

Akun Facebook Linkin Park juga mengupload foto-foto behind the scene dari video clip tersebut.

klik disini untuk melihat selengkapnya.

Source : Linkin Park Facebook, Terima Kasih untuk Erfann Robotboy Ansyari, Afit 'Hawkie' Nighthawk dan Rizky スキャンダル atas infonya.
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